
Tagging Along

I’ve been tagged to answer some questions. Since I never get tired of talking about myself, I decided to give it a go. I was tagged by A Gripping Life and Adair. AGL tagged me first, so I’m going to answer her questions. Sars Adair.

I’m tagging:


Chez Sasha

Dribbling Pensioner


Very Normal

Is It Possible To See It All

And anyone else who wants to do it!

Everyone else I know has already been tagged. Feel free to decline. You don’t have to do it, just thought it would be fun. But if you don’t do it, I’ll hate you forever.


1. You must post the rules.

2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and the create 11 new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.

3. Tag 11 people and link them on your post.

4. Let them know you’ve tagged them!

Here are the 11 questions that A Gripping Life asked me:

1. If deserted on an island, what is the one book, one film, and one album/CD you would request? Pillars of the Earth because it’s the longest book I’ve ever read. “Singin’ in the Rain” because it’s one of my faves. Plus it has good songs and dancing! And one album would be The Best of Elvis Costello and the Attractions. Too hard to choose. Maybe The Beatles, Rubber Soul?

2. In Heaven I hope there is an unlimited supply of pizza. Jk. But seriously. Sunshine. I can’t picture Heaven being cloudy, but you never know. I just want it to be sunny and warm all the time.

3. If I could change one body part it would be my feet! I hate having big feet 😦

4. My favorite day of the week is Friday because it’s the start of the freakin’ weekend!

5. The person/people who makes me laugh the most is my family. So many inside jokes. Also, my friend Natalie. And my friend Matt. Also Paul. They just get me. (I would have said that I make myself laugh the most, but I feel like that doesn’t count.)

6. My dream occupation would be working with animals in their natural habitat. One of my ultimate dreams is to hug a lion. I know I could do it.

7. My favorite dream car is uhmhm I don’t know.  A nice one? I don’t really know about cars.

8. My most hated teacher was Mrs. Tobison. My worst class was any math class. Oh and English Civil War.

9. Would you rather be eaten by sharks or eaten by lions or live in a world of mud? I can’t even think about a world of mud without laughing. It makes absolutely no sense. Sooo world of mud it is.

10. My favorite smells are summery smells. Lily of the Valley, sunscreen, Ralph Lauren Romance and the smell of the lobby of my favorite hotel. And Burberry Brit for the winter.

11. If I had to change my first name it would be either Layla or Beatrice (Bea for short). But I really love my name.

Here are the 11 questions for my tagees to answer:

1. If you could live in a different country for a year, where would you live?

2. What would you do if you were the opposite sex?

3. If there was a fire in your house and you could only save 3 things, what would they be? (Family and pets would be safe!)

4. What is your favorite sport and why?

5. What is a TV show that you hate to miss?

6. If you could be fluent in another language, which would you choose?

7. Which actor or actress makes you mad?

8. What is your favorite vacation spot?

9. What is the first thing you would do if you were president, prime minister, etc?

10. Favorite thing to drink?

11. Do you prefer baths or showers? Why?
