
Winter Favorites 2015

Are you cold yet? Are you tired? Do you want someone to shoot you in the face and just end it all? Sounds like you’re ready for some snuggling up. Go get cozy and listen to my winter favorites, won’t you?

1. Grimes. Why am I only now discovering the smooth electronica tunes that Grimes has to offer? This Canadian (I know, I KNOW) gal is really keepin’ my feet tapping and my head nodding with her high vocals and catchy rhythms. She reminds me of a normal version of Die Antwoord. But don’t worry, not too normal. I can’t stop listening to “Oblivion.”

2. The Year of the Goat. Or Sheep. Or Ram. Or who cares? Ever since I was young enough to crack open a fortune cookie, I’ve been entranced by Chinese Horoscopes. I love the animals representing a new lunar year, and in turn, calculating the personality of the lives born within that cycle. Often people question, how can everyone born in the same year have the same characteristics–it doesn’t make sense. Oh but it kind of does. I like to think that the stars helped organize who we are. Lets say everyone born in the year 2015 would have similar behavior, but depending on how they were raised, all turned out to be different. But deep down, in their raw form, their true selves, those characteristics still lie. I think it’s fun to think about, at least.tumblr_neot14lEOU1qc9ey0o1_500 3. Green Tea Lattes/ Matcha Lattes. It must be the color that gets me. Green tea lattes are a beautiful pale milky green. So much better than drinking brown sludge every morning. Matcha is essentially finely milled green tea. I’m unsure about why it needs it’s own name, especially one like “matcha” but okay. It’s hard for me to explain the flavor of this warm beverage, but imagine a milky, sweetened, green tea delight. 4. The Honolulu Museum of Art. This place is too real. I’d like to assume my husband, my brother, and I are the only people in the history of existence to visit Hawaii and spend a day inside studying works of art. But on the off change you’re just as odd as we are, please stop by this hidden gem. It’s outer appearance is a bit bland, but once you enter the gates, you’ll be met with winding courtyards, twinkle lights, outdoor cafes, and airy galleries. It’s really a magical place that truly swept us away.VRP_041_lg 5. Roses. Man if I could just shove a rose bud up each of my nostrils, that would be wonderful. I’ve basically fallen in love with anything and everything rose-scented. Some of those items include but are not limited to: Crabtree & Evelyn’s Rosewater Handsoap (lotion, eau de toilet, etc. I WANT IT ALL.) Lush’s Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner, Rose Queen Bath Bomb, and Rose Jam Shower Gel. GIMME. Fresh’s Rose Face Mask and Rose Floral Toner. YASSS. 6. Rifle Paper Co. Every single thing this company produces is darling. I have purchased countless items from them and don’t plan on stopping any time soon. I’ve been drooling over their prints for quite a while as well. They’re so unique yet simple. Fresh, yet charmingly old-fashioned. If anyone wants to order me some personalized stationary with a customized illustration of my face, feel free. shades-art-print What are some of your favorite things?

Feelings, Holidays

Future Heads

Isn’t it bizarre-o that it’s now 2015? I was talking with a friend of mine whose child was born five measly days ago and how their baby is literally a child of the future. They will never know what it’s like to be without internet and smart phones. Information at their fingertips. Being able to literally get whatever they want delivered to their front door, be it clothes, books, or something to eat. What a weird existence.tumblr_n00tixtjga1rwe56eo1_500

Carl Sagan once said, “The cosmos are within us.” I feel like that has never been truer. I look up at the night sky far more often than I used to, marveling at our small earthly home and the vast sky above us. How much longer is can our planet support us? How much longer until we become stars ourselves?tumblr_nd4k20pLOY1qkchcvo1_500

February 19th marks the start of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Sheep. Are any of you born in the year of the sheep/goat? Let’s hope we aren’t fooled by wolves in sheep’s clothing this year. I might celebrate my sheepish side by purchasing a shearling coat and eating some tripe. JK that’s disgusting.

Anyway, let’s be happy that we made it through to see another calendar year. What are some things that made your year special? 
