

I’ve always taken an interest in things that people don’t believe in. Mythical creatures, horoscopes, ghosts, magic, parallel universes, etc. One thing that hypnotized me as child was my book of faeries. It actually didn’t belong to me per se. I think it was my mom’s or my grandma’s or something but I’m just going to consider it mine. Kind of like that book that praises Hitler that I found in my grandma’s house. That’s definitely mine now.

Much like my post about Merfolk, I’m going to take a moment to educate my readers on the subject of faeries. A lot of this information is a combination of what other people have recorded and some of what I imagine to be true.

The term faerie can be used to describe a number of different legendary creatures such as goblins or trolls, but typically it’s meant for pixie-type beings. I imagine faeries residing on English isles like Jersey, Guernsey, Man, and Wight. I had a friend who lived on Guernsey and I told her that I always pictured it to be a “magical faerie land” (I really said that) and she told me that it really is. I knew it. Although faeries are found in and throughout many European country’s histories, I always imagine them solely in the United Kingdom. I can see trolls and elves in Scandinavia and Germany though. Mostly because Germans and Scandinavians look like trolls.

Faeries spend most of their time hiding from humans. I guess this is one of the reasons I took a particular interest in them. I too like hiding from humans. I picture faeries to be quick, spritely little things. Some have been sketched with wings (like those of butterflies or insects) but others seem to rely on magic or other animals to fly.

Lily Fairy

Much like mermaids, faeries’ looks can be deceiving. They are known to bite and are able to cast charms and play tricks on people. Ways of reversing a faerie spell: ringing church bells, running water, four leaf clovers, or St. John’s wort. Basically anything that you won’t ever come across in your life. Except running water. If you’ve never come across running water then you probably live in Africa. I can pretty much guarantee that you won’t see any faeries in Africa. You might see a zebra though.

I’m now going to list some of my favorite creatures that I’ve come across in my Faeries book by Brian Froud.

Jenny Greenteeth: A river hag who lures children into rivers and ponds to drown them. Jenny Greenteeth was the inspiration for Meg Mucklebones in Ridley Scott’s Legend. That movie is worth a watch mainly because Tim Curry plays the Lord of Darkness, the heroine’s name is Princess Lili, and there’s a unicorn. And Tom Cruise.

Selkies: Mythological creatures that live as seals in the water and shed their animal skin to become humans on land. Don’t pretend it wouldn’t be awesome to be a seal.

Will o’ the Wisp: This is more of a phenomenon, but it’s still cool. Will o’ the Wisps are flickering lights that are found deep in forests around bogs or marshes to lure travelers from their safe paths. I don’t know how many of you saw Disney’s Brave, but Wisps made an appearance. Unfortunately they were made to look and act like beings more than a simple light. Leave it to Disney to mess everything up.

NOT what wisps look like.

Brownies: Kind of like a hobgoblin, brownies live in human households and help with tasks at night in exchange for small gifts. I wish I had two brownies in my house. The chocolate kind and the goblin kind.


43 thoughts on “Faeries

  1. Leave it to you to write about fairies and still make it hilarious, Lil. I have a book called Lady Cottingham’s Pressed Fairy Book that I got on clearance at Barnes and Noble a hundred years ago and it is awesome.

    • Lol Germans definitely do though! Scandinavians don’t as much, but they needed to be grouped somewhere.
      I really need brownies right now. Haven’t stopped thinking about them, really.

  2. unfetteredbs says:

    I have no idea what to say here but damn you have quite an imagination and one heck of a sense of humor. Thanks for the guffaws — twice cause I was not reading you back in the times of Merfolk.

    • Haha why thank you. Oh yes, Merfolk was a good old post. Too much info to cover on that one! Thanks for reading it! Yes, I love when minds wander and think about all of these mysterious things…. 😀

  3. Peaches says:

    I lived in Guernsey for a while once. It was a pretty cool place. I liked the faerie ring up by the jagged cliff overlooking the sea.

    • That’s what my friend told me about. Sounds amazing. I think I would feel too far away from everything if I lived there though. That’s awesome that you got to live there!

      • Peaches says:

        I won’t say more because Guernsey is TINY and there may still be rumors of some crazy American chick floating around, but it was a very neat place. Parts were so modern and others were straight out of some medieval time shift.

  4. Addie says:

    I have the pressed fairy book, too. Lily, you must find it on Amazon or in B&N, it’s a hoot of a read, although, with your love of faeries, you may be a tad bit upset. Just have a brownie instead.

    • That’s awesome. I can’t believe I haven’t heard of it. Yeah, it will probably go against some of my faerie beliefs, but I’m sure the illustrations are great!

      But yeah I need a brownie right about now.

  5. One of my two tattoos is an impossible to see fairy that I drew myself. I would totally do it differently now that it’s been on me for over 10 years and, like I said, can’t be made out unless you stare at it like one of those mall magic eye posters. But once upon a time I was ALL ABOUT fairies.

  6. Pete Howorth says:

    I always imagined faeries to be hot but then I think about what would happen if one of them came on to me, they’re no use to me that size.

    • Yeah, I think most faeries are pretty. Hahha but yeah I don’t think that they could give you any pleasure at that size. I was reading some stuff though and they said that some faeries were the size of human children. Still, that would be weird.

  7. “Presently they saw a hideous crowd of huge sea-monsters, such as terrified any one to behold; every shape of ugliness and horror was there–water-snakes, and whales, and sword-fish, and hippopotamuses, and sharks, and every kind of sea-monster, and they came along in thousands, with a dreadful noise and a hollow, rumbling roar. No wonder the Knight was appalled, for, compared with these, all that we hold dreadful on earth were but a trifle.

    ‘Fear nothing,’ then said the Palmer, “for these creatures that look like monsters are not so in reality; they are only disguised into these fearful shapes by the wicked enchantress to terrify us, and to prevent our continuing our journey.”

    Then, lifting up his magic staff, he smote the sea, which immediately became calm, and all the make-believe monsters fled to the bottom of the ocean.”

  8. I thought they were called fairies or is that just gay people now?

    Did you ever heard of this?

    It’s a pretty cool story and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was really behind fairies being real which goes to show you what a nut he was. The movie FairyTale: A True Story is based on it. I have no clue if it’s any good but the story is really interesting that they could be fooled for so long by children.

    • Yeah you can still call them fairies, but I think writing it all gaelic-y looks cooler.
      Never heard of that before! That is really interesting. I would love to fool people into thinking fairies are real. Those pictures are actually pretty believable for the time that they were taken.

  9. I read this post before but thank you for sharing it with me again. I love this kind of thing. This post makes me want to go watch A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream – Michelle Pfeiffer version.

    • Aww hah thanks. I didn’t mean to shove it in your face and be like, “READ THIS” haha. I’ve never seen A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream! There’s so much that I need to watch!

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