
Grinding My Gears

Maybe January is just wearing on me, but everyone is getting on my nerves lately. And by everyone, I mean just the people I come in contact with (pretty much only my reflection). Since the worst month ever is almost over, I thought I would vent with these examples of how terrible society is now.

On Twitter there was a promoted hash tag to tweet your name with no vowels. Simple enough. I don’t know why people would randomly want to tweet their name with no vowels, but whatever. It’s the simple things, really. On Twitter, you can click the hash tag and it will take you to the responses of other accounts who typed the hash tag in their tweet. Here are some examples:tumblr_m8wmikpFNJ1qcr0ryo1_500

How is this real? I’m pretty sure none of them are joking because no one would openly admit to not knowing what vowels are. How is this even possible? I didn’t realize that there are people in the world who just think letters are letters and that’s it. No vowels or consonants. Just letters.

My next example happened in real life. I know, how weird that I would be out of the house bed. I was at the post office and a lady of about 60 years old came in, gray hair and everything. She starts speaking loudly to the person behind the counter about how she’s been listening to a lot of new wave music. “I really like David BAowie.” She pronounced the “Bow” part of his name the way that someone takes a bow, not like a bow that you put in your hair. The wrong way. It was awful. I couldn’t stop starring/being offended. If you don’t know how a person’s name is pronounced, don’t say it. It’s so simple. Or, I don’t know, look it up online? She’s clearly a savvy old lady, listening to new wave music which I don’t even think David Bowie technically fits under, but whatevs. Plus, why would you just assume that the woman at the post office cares about your life at all?

Nothing about this moment was hunky dory.

Nothing about this moment was hunky dory.

Another weird moment happened to me in my safe haven, Sephora. I got a suh-weet gift card from my mom for Christmas and I wanted to buy a little trinket. After searching around the store and not finding Yves Saint Laurent, I asked one of the employees if they carried their products. She said not at the moment, but they’ll get them in March. “Oh, that’s not too bad.” I said. To which she responded, “I know, thank God.” Yes, we should definitely thank God for that. Not for our health or safety or that you’re employed, but let’s thank him for the introduction of YSL products into this Sephora location. Okay. Yes.

I know it’s just a phrase, but it really irked me for some reason. And trust me, I’m not saying that I’m the sharpest tool in the shed by any means. I haven’t known the meaning of certain words before and mispronounced them as well. It happens to everyone. But if it’s something so simple, then shouldn’t it just be common knowledge by this point?

Tomorrow is February. Almost out of the winter months…
