
Fall Favorites 2014

Isn’t it gross that winter isn’t technically here yet? I love fall though. I really love the gross weather–it’s so cozy and there’s no pressure to go outside or to be active. Recounting my weekend events as sitting in front of the TV or “doing nothing” is suitable and acceptable. Here are some of the things I’ve been loving recently.

San Francisco. Holy crap guys, San Fran is cool. It made such a great impression on me even though I had only three days to experience it’s greatness. I would’ve had four but United cancelled my flight. I was so livid that day, I cannot even express it in words. But yeah, I went to Alcatraz on Halloween, cycled over the Golden Gate Bridge and visited Sausalito, walked around Chinatown, enlarged my calf muscles by hiking up to Lombard Street, and giggled at barking sea lions on the pier. It was all just too much.tumblr_m6bfftJchs1qi9nyro1_500

Jo Malone Perfume. Like, just stop it with these luxurious scents, Jo. I used to think they were overrated, but I recently decided to take the plunge and I’m oh so happy I did. I walked away with a bottle of English Pear and Freesia along with some sweet sample of Peony and Blush Suede. Heaven.8012594_fpx

 Tattly Temporary Tattoos. If you’re like me and can’t commit to inking your skin, but still have respect for those who do, these might interest you. They have fun, silly designs that truly only work in a temporary sense. The one I’m sporting now looks so real that it fooled a coworker.tattly_fiona_richards_cartolina_blooms_web_design_01_grande

Songza. For those of you unaware, Canadians are too poor and gross to receive Pandora stations so, in turn, Songza is our replacement. It’s pretty decent though. And by pretty decent, I mean that it has a station called Echoes of Fleetwood Mac that I cannot stop jamming to.image

Daddy-O Violet Shampoo. Thanks to Lush, my locks have returned to their golden splendor. I’m totally scared of violet shampoo because it can actually turn your hair violet if you leave it in for too long. However, the Lush employee gave me a huge sample of it and violet hair is kind of in right now, so it was kind of a win/win sitch. And I feel like it actually got some of the brass out of my highlights and lightened them up. 110-Daddy-O-resized

What have been some of your favorite things this season?
